Wanna join our summer SEO Bootcamp?

Wanna join our summer SEO Bootcamp?

Ever wondered how you can get more clients to find you on Google? Ever wondered if your site was optimized properly? Does thinking about creating written content for your site overwhelm you?

Well, I've got your back. In the SEO Bootcamp we'll walk through setup, implementation, and maintenance of your website SEO. You'll walk away with a plan to keep it all up in the long run too!

hey photographer!

tell me more..

So you've learned your camera, your workflow is pretty solid, and you've got the business thing kind of on-lock.

So why isn't your website bringing you more organic traffic? Why aren't you popping up in Google search results?

Well friend, you aren't the only one. SEO (search engine optimization) can be tricky. Numbers, links, alt-texts, backlinks, and 404 errors aren't for everyone.

In the Bootcamp, we'll simplify SEO and give you a plan to tackle SEO on your own website, and for 6 weeks I'll be over-your-shoulder walking you through all of it!

It's time you finally demystify search engine optimization.

no more marketing that doesn't work.

Wondering if you're ready for this?

The struggle is real, my friend! I've been there, I know!

You KNOW that your website can and should be bringing you more clients, but are only getting inquiries every now-and-then

You've looked into hiring SEO experts but held-off from sticker shock or lack of confidence in their results

You want to know how to work SEO into your existing workflow to make it easier, quicker, and systematic in the long-run

sound like you?

is this for you?

Thinking about doing technical SEO work on your website gives you hives

A hybrid course and coaching program for photographers who want to learn how to do SEO on their own sites, but need guidance and expert advice.

Over the course of 6 weeks we will dig into SEO and I'll teach you all my tips, tricks, and shortcuts for doing it quickly and within your current workflow! You'll leave feeling confident you can maintain your own site going forward without the need for expensive experts, endless hours looking at charts, and hair-pulling when it comes time to writing blogs for your site.

the seo bootcamp


what will i learn?

Week 1:
Getting Started

the breakdown:

Welcome to camp! This week we'll:

Set up Google Analytics, My Business, and Search Console

Run your first site crawl (and what that is)

Introductions and first Zoom call!

Week Two:
User Experience

Is your website sending the right message?

Importance of clarity on your site

Pages you definitely need (and the ones that you don't)

How people navigate websites

Site audits from Lauren

Week Three:

Why quality content matters (aka blogging) to Google and how to create it

How to find keywords

Optimizing your copy

Writing tools

Getting content from your clients using questionnaires

apply today

Week Four:
Text & Images

Why the words on your site matter!

How to use text tags

Formatting your images for blog posts and site pages

Using alt texts

Week Five:

Why links are important

What are back links?

How do I get back links?

Internal links

Using links to improve your user experience

Week Six:

How to do your own SEO going forward

Working SEO practices into your workflow

Tools you can use to keep an eye on your overall site health

Using Google Analytics and other tools to analyze data and grow organically






The results you're going to get:

How does this sound?

actual written content for your site that is optimized and google-worthy

proper seo knowledge that wont overwhelm you

a workflow for integrating seo in as little as a few minutes each week


6 weeks of hybrid learning
(online course and small-group zoom meetings)

apply now

Private Slack channel



Site audits from an SEO pro (me!)


site audit


Access to your cohort and Lauren in a private Slack channel. Ask questions even outside of Zoom calls!

I've been messing around with computers, devices, and other tech since I was a kid. When I started my own business I naturally gravitated towards tech solutions for client communications, workflow automation, and more. Above that, I believe that running a business can be fun, and still leave you time during your week to do the important things (like eating tacos and snuggling with your kids/cat).

join me in bootcamp